Anyone who deals with company smartphones and mobile device management inevitably comes across abbreviations such as COBO, COPE, CYOD and BYOD.
More and more teachers and students are using iPads at school. But just handing out iPads to students is likely to create more of an IT headache than translate into top grades. Our 6-step guide and free checklist explain how to successfully deploy iPads at school.
Cortado Mobile Solutions is pleased to announce that it has received a new award. At an event hosted by Vogel IT Media, CEO Sven Huschke accepted the IP-Insider Award for Enterprise Mobility in silver.
Companies that provide their employees with smartphones which are also used privately must be prepared for the fact that WhatsApp is likely to be installed on these devices. A violation of the GDPR is therefore almost inevitable. We will tell you the background and explain how you realize WhatsApp business use in accordance to GDPR.